London Fashion Week

February 21, 2017

London Fashion Week - one of the most expected events of the year has taken the city with assault. Everybody is curious to see what the designers have in store for us for the next season, what the next trends are, what colours & textures to wear, what fabrics to invest in...I take it as a fun event. As much as I love fashion, I dislike the fashion week. A bunch of people (mostly rich, without any taste in fashion) gather together like parrots to be photographed, seen, stared at. The more colourful and atypical, the more photographed. Lame. 
Of course, there are good parts: of course I have my favourite models and bloggers and I can't wait to see what they're wearing or what shows they're attending. Now that's the good part! I love observing people from a corner though, and it's fun. Some are inspiring, some are so lame they become funny. However it is, I love the end of it - discovering what the designers have in store for us - what trends are invented or brought back to life, what decade we will (re)live. Here are some photos from the past days, enjoy!

And few photos from the International Fashion Showcase held at the Somerset House with some of my fav creations.

Photos &  Styling: Carla + Cristian Vadan

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